The Pause Before the Transition: Reflecting on the Year Gone By

As we stand at the edge of the final days of 2024, there is a special kind of energy in the air—a sense of anticipation mixed with reflection. It’s not the rush to a fresh start or the whirlwind of resolutions, but the gentle, almost sacred pause that comes before the transition. This is the space to honor what has been, to look back on the highlights of the year, and to acknowledge the lessons we’ve learned, before we step forward into the unknown of a new year.

This moment—this pause—is not just about waiting for January 1st to arrive. It’s about intentionally reflecting on the past year, savoring its joys, its growth, and its challenges. It’s an invitation to embrace the beauty of the present, to settle into the stillness of now before moving ahead. This is where true reflection and intentional living begin.

Highlights of 2024: Our Stories and the World’s

As we look back, it’s impossible not to see the way this year unfolded in both our personal lives and in the world around us. We’ve witnessed milestones, triumphs, and profound moments of change. There are the personal highlights—the moments of joy with our families, the challenges we’ve conquered, the new chapters we’ve written in our own stories.

For many of us, 2024 was a year of embracing new beginnings—whether through a new job, a new home, or a deeper understanding of ourselves and what we stand for. Reflecting on my own family’s journey, I think of the battles we’ve faced—fighting against cancer and illness, the immense personal challenge of losing over 100 pounds, and the strength it took to transform not just my body but my mindset and habits. I think of the joy we’ve celebrated, from an engagement and a pregnancy to the birth of our newest family member. I remember the victorious moments with Simplicity at sea and the quiet times of reflection as we dreamed of the future we want for ourselves and our children. These struggles and triumphs, both big and small, fill my heart with gratitude as I reflect on the year behind us.

But as much as our personal lives shape the year, we must also acknowledge the moments that have occurred in the wider world. 2024 has seen an increased focus on health and sustainability, with people all over the globe making more conscious choices about how they live. It’s been a year of collective growth—whether in our efforts to address climate change, in movements advocating for equality, or in the deepening awareness of mental and physical health. These efforts have been a reminder of the power we hold as individuals and as a collective.

The Power of Intentional Living

What stands out most, for me, is the continuing push toward intentional living—a theme that grows stronger every year. Intentional living isn’t just about making mindful choices in what we do or how we act, but about shaping our lives in alignment with our deepest values. It’s the ability to live with purpose, to embrace each moment fully, and to take responsibility for the way we show up in the world.

As 2024 comes to a close, ask yourself: What were the moments that defined this year for you? What choices did you make that aligned with your values? Where did you stretch and grow, and where did you learn the most about yourself? Reflecting on these moments is the foundation of moving forward with purpose and clarity into the year ahead.

A Year of Positivity and Health

As we pause before the new year, we also have the opportunity to think about the areas of life that nourish us. For many of us, health has taken center stage—whether it’s physical, mental, or emotional. The global shift toward prioritizing wellness has been evident, with more people focusing on holistic health and self-care practices. It’s a reminder that our well-being is the foundation of everything we do, and that taking care of ourselves allows us to show up fully for others.

In 2024, we’ve learned the importance of creating balance. We’ve learned to prioritize rest, to honor our bodies, and to seek peace in the chaos. Health isn’t just about physical vitality—it’s about the way we nurture our minds, our emotions, and our relationships. It’s the intentional choices we make every day to live with intention, to cultivate positivity, and to surround ourselves with supportive, loving people.

The Invitation to Step Forward

As we close out the final days of 2024, I invite you to pause and reflect. Take stock of the moments that shaped you this year—whether they were full of triumph or trials. Celebrate your growth, your resilience, and the strength you’ve shown in navigating both the big and small transitions of life. The year may not have unfolded exactly as you expected, but it has offered you countless opportunities to become more of who you are meant to be.

And as we step into the new year, let us do so with a sense of purpose and clarity. Let us bring with us the lessons we’ve learned, the wisdom we’ve gained, and the gratitude we’ve nurtured. Let us walk into 2025 with intention, carrying forward the positivity and health we’ve cultivated, and embracing the endless possibilities that await.

We are not simply stepping into a new year; we are stepping into a new chapter of our story—a chapter we have the power to write with every choice we make, every action we take, and every moment we embrace.

Love, Leigh

In every pause, there is an opportunity to reflect, and in every transition, there is a chance to grow.


A Year's End: Gratitude, Growth, and the Path Ahead


A Pause Between the Moments: Embracing Stillness